digital innovation

accelerator overview:

Companies are turning more and more to technology as the catalyst to accelerate their business and reduce cost, however, the rate of change in technology continues to increase. Established in 2001, the Digital Innovation accelerator enables digital leaders to create and deliver business value through exploring new ways to identify, assess, and harvest real value from emerging technologies.


Members of the Digital Innovation accelerator typically represent the digital and IT teams of large, legacy organizations with responsibilities including:

  • Identifying and researching potentially impactful new technologies
  • Maintaining a pipeline of new opportunities
  • Building and testing proofs of value
  • Facilitating the transition of successful tests into other parts of the organization

recent discussion topics:

  • Setting Up and Maximizing Value from Innovation "Labs"
  • Application of AI in IoT/IIoT
  • Operationalizing and Sustaining a Culture of Innovation
  • Technologies for Seamless and Immersive Experiences
  • Bringing Innovation to Production/Scale
  • AI – What is it and What Could it Be?

upcoming meeting*:

Summer Call Series: Securing Your License to Operate | July 19, 2024 | Virtual
*By invitation only. For more information, please contact Shaw Lively at

ICEX, Inc. | 40 Broad Street | Boston, MA 02109
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